R100 joining fee
Monthly subscription of R100
No age restrictions
Policy covers(i) main member (ii) Spouse(iii) children (iiii) five (5) extended family members
Wooden Casket,Funeral TombstoneFuneral services: hearse, family car, refreshment, tent chairs and lowering machines Free Mortuary Storage Free Transportation within 200km radius from the mortuary or within Vhembe District
100 funeralprograms.Arrangement of death certificate and burial order Radio announcement
NB: Funeral services will be rendered provided the body is laying in our mortuary. The waiting period to qualify for the mentioned benefits is three months.
P.o. Box 277,
Nzhelele, 0993.
Sam Ntshauba: 082 802 1815
Mrs Flora Ntshauba: 079 900 5900
Mrs Zelda Ntshauba: 082 939 5792
The Manager Mr Mudau: 082 880 6567
Tel : 015 970 4852
Fax: 015 970 4816
Web builder
Mtech media
076 508 5431